Join (un)adopted in Supporting Africa
Lifeline (un)adopted® partners with four different ministries in Africa, two in Liberia and one in Uganda, and one in Burundi. For their protection, we have not included their names.
We are excited to have the opportunity to share specific ways you, your family, or your church can come alongside these ministries! Your generosity will play a crucial role in the care of many vulnerable children around the world!
Each gift matters and is tax deductible.
Learn more about how your money will support our partner projects below.
Every dollar you give goes to help bring gospel hope to vulnerable children all around the world.
Liberia Training School

Goal – $30,000
In Liberia, (un)adopted® partners with a Liberian ministry to implement gospel-centered training and education for vulnerable youth and young adults. Participants receive 8-months of on-site career guidance, hands-on learning opportunities, and biblical teaching that will sustain them and offer a healthy transition into productive adulthood.
Liberia Orphanage Director Network

Goal – $10,000
Our second partner reaches orphanage directors, helping provide gospel hope and best care practices to care for vulnerable children through an orphanage director network. This network of directors represents over 60 orphanages in Liberia. They meet quarterly to serve and fellowship, pray and worship, discuss current issues affecting orphan care institutions, and facilitate vital training. Our partner also conducts life skills and business skills training.
Pastor in Burundi

Goal $5,000
(un)adopted connected to a pastor in Burundi through the Global Orphan Care Network in 2020. This pastor lives in a remote region where there was limited access to clean water. (un)adopted helped secure a grant to build a well that is now providing clean water for 900 children. At the opening ceremony, seven individuals professed faith in Jesus. This pastor continues to share the gospel with children in his community and seeks to build wells in other remote regions providing additional opportunities to share the gospel with the vulnerable.
School for Deaf and Blind in Uganda

Goal – $40,500
Led by a gospel-centered pastor, this church seeks to care for the orphaned and vulnerable children in the area (specifically deaf and blind children). In the Muslim community, if a child is deaf or blind or physically disabled, he or she is literally treated as a “curse.” The church felt called to minister to these children but didn’t know how.
(un)adopted was started in 2009 and through this newly formed partnership between (un)adopted and this church, a community School for the Deaf and Blind was opened in 2011. The school now has more than 30 students. During the recent challenge of the Coronavirus, the school has been closed for nearly 2 years. Meanwhile, this pastor and his staff are delivering food rations and providing care for those children who were attending, as well as others in desperate need in the community. School is expected to resume early 2022.
Global Education

Goal $20,000
Global Education is Lifeline’s newest endeavor to provide resources to in-country teams and partners around the world! As our ministry serves in over 29+ countries through adoption and (un)adopted, our heart at Lifeline is to ensure that local believers are not only aware of the orphan care crisis in their community and what the gospel teaches regarding our involvement, but also are equipped to do the ministry the Lord has called them to do.
Through Global Education we are empowering the local church in each country by providing training, education, resources, and curriculum that they will be leading out in their own communities. Global Education will provide the means to support our partners all over the world through our various ministries at Lifeline.
Answers to GIVING Questions
Commonly Asked Questions
We understand you have questions about who we are and what we can do. Please browse through the questions we have below to find answers to the questions we get asked most frequently.
Are my gifts to Lifeline tax deductible?
Lifeline is a nonprofit organization that relies on donations to continue its work. As an IRS-approved 501(c)3, all gifts are eligible for tax deductions as charitable giving – but please consult with your accountant or financial advisor before donating so you can ensure the gift meets your needs and achieves whatever goal it’s meant for!
How do I set up a recurring monthly gift?
We love when people give regularly! Our Vessel of Hope community helps monthly partners know about this vital part of Lifeline Children’s Services ministry. Monthly giving allows our ministry to make more significant commitments year long and provide more opportunities to care for and offer the gospel to vulnerable children worldwide.
Interested in Donating to Lifeline in Other Ways?
Lifeline’s Additional Giving Opportunities page is a way for you to donate in more non-traditional ways. If you are looking for a campaign or event of your interest, please visit our Campaigns and Events Page.
Lifeline Children’s Services has many options when it comes time to make donations! If you would prefer to give a gift and have it applied to where most needed, then simply use our website or send your gifts to
Lifeline Children’s Services
Mailing Address: 200 Missionary Ridge Birmingham, AL 35242 USA
Phone: (205) 967-0811
EIN Number: 63-0896878
Every dollar you give goes to help bring gospel hope to vulnerable children all around the world.
Give Gospel Hope