
Statement from Lifeline Children’s Services on Racial Injustice

Lifeline Children’s Services is heartbroken by the systemic racism and injustice that plagues our nation. We mourn and grieve for the unfathomable loss of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and the countless others who have suffered and died simply because of the color of their skin.

Racial inequality is not a trivial problem to be swept under the rug. It is a sanctity of life issue—a gospel issue. As such, Lifeline condemns all forms of racism, genocide, and ethnocentrism, and calls them what they are: sin.

At Lifeline, we believe you cannot be pro-life and be apathetic or ignorant to prejudice, racism and privilege.

We love, respect, admire, fight for, defend and celebrate black lives because we have a Lord who formed and fashioned black lives with excellence, who died for black lives and who desires for all black lives to be saved by the gospel.

For almost 40 years, we have had the privilege of serving and building multi-ethnic and multi-racial families through adoption and foster care. These families ultimately show a glimpse of our true family, one made up of every tribe, every tongue and every nation.

We remain committed to fighting daily for the dignity and worth of black lives and for all cultures, races and ethnicities made in the Imago Dei—the image of God placed on all creation (Genesis 1:26-27).