
Help Us Find a Family for Alex

A generous family has donated a $4,000 scholarship towards Alex’s adoption! Our team is searching for a family for 10-year-old Alex, who is on the waiting list for adoption in Asia. Please help us find a family for this precious boy!

A Little About Him

Alex has an outgoing and social personality!  He enjoys recreational activities like football, likes sleeping with stuffed animals, and has care toward others. Alex needs a stable and safe place to call home. Pray that a family will come forward for him!

You can search for Alex in our waiting child portal for more information not disclosed in this article due to protection for the child. If you’d like to speak to someone about Alex, please call our office at 205-967-0811 and ask for Taylor Guinn or Meredith Campbell or email at [email protected] or [email protected].

How Can You Help?

  • Adopt: Is the Lord calling you to consider adopting Alex? Please don’t hesitate to ask questions and pray about whether this may be an option for your family.
  • Advocate: Share our social media posts about Alex and reach out to families you know who may be called to adopt him. Spread the word about his need for a family!
  • Pray: For a family to be called to be a forever home for sweet Alex, for his heart, and for the Lord’s plan for his life.
  • Give: Adoption can be expensive, and has the potential to be a deterrent to families considering the call. Your financial gift could make a difference in children’s lives being changed forever through family. You can give at