Country: Costa Rica Adoption

Age Range: 2-18 years old
Sibling Groups: Yes
Medical Special Needs: Minor to Significant
Marriage Length: 3 years
Single Women: Yes
Expat Accepted: Yes, on case by case basis
In-Country Travel: 4-6 weeks

Children under 7 with moderate to significant medical needs, 7 years or older with or without medical special needs. We also see sibling groups varying in number of children and age ranges with or without needs.

Families are able to learn about children on the waiting child portal. Many waiting children will be older, larger sibling groups, or young children with more significant medical special needs. All matches occur after a dossier is approved by PANI, however, families can submit a letter to the central authority with intent to pursue a child on the wait list. Families who choose to not submit a letter of intent can wait to be matched directly with the Central Authority.

The process of adopting from Costa Rica is estimated to take approximately one to two and a half years or more and depends on a family’s openness to age range, special needs and sibling groups.

Families will travel to Costa Rica for approximately four to six weeks to complete their adoption. The trip consists of a bonding period, court process, and visa paperwork. Lifeline has a long-standing relationship with our representatives in Costa Rica who provide support such as translation and guide services during families’ stay.

About Costa RIca

Costa Rica is a beautiful, tropical country know for it volcanos, mountains and beaches. Costa Ricans live a laid back and Pura Vida lifestyle. Lifeline's adoption program opened in 2011 and is the longest licensed U.S. adoption agency working in Costa Rica. The central adoption authority (Patronato Nacional de la Infancia) is in favor of international adoption and has a positive working relationship with Lifeline. Costa Rica is an excellent program for families open to children 7+ years old, sibling groups, or children of all ages with more significant medical needs. Children in Costa Rica are typically of Latino, Indigenous, or Afro-Costa Rican descent.

The Need

In Costa Rica, there are approximately over 4,000,000 people, with 30% of the population being children under 18 years old. (UN; INEC Costa Rica) It is estimated that 1 in 4 children live in poverty and approximately 8% may die before the age of 5. There is a great need for families willing to adopt older children (7-16 years old) and sibling groups of 2+ children. Many children are eligible for international adoption and are waiting for forever families.

How You Can Help

Lifeline advocates and recruits families open to older children, sibling groups, and medical needs. We have seen more than 100 children come home since our program began in 2011, ranging in ages and needs. We work hard to prepare families to be equipped to meet the needs of the children and to assist in a successful transition into a family.

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Other Ways to Get Involved




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