
He Chose Me

As we journey through each day of the Advent season, we’ve gathered special stories from Lifeline families, staff, and friends to share with you, testifying to how the hand of the Lord and the Character of Christ have been magnified through their children and in their families…

One Christmas, when I was a little girl, my Dad and I went on a last minute shopping trip to the mall in search of a gift for my mom. The mall on the Saturday before Christmas was filled with Christmas trees, bright store windows, and crowds of shoppers. I was fascinated by all the sights around me and did not realize that I had wandered away from my Dad. I looked around and realized that I was lost, and I started to panic. All the sights of Christmas, the thoughts of new toys, the people around me were forgotten in an instant. All I cared about was finding my Dad. And then, somewhere in the middle of the crowd, I heard my name. I couldn’t see him, but I heard his voice calling for me. Relief flooded over me, and I knew that everything was going to be all right.

You see, my Dad chose me. I was adopted as an infant, and God redeemed my life through adoption. My parents prayed for me and pursued me until they finally held me in their arms and called me “daughter”.  And then I was theirs forever. Even when I wandered away, nothing would stop them from finding me and loving me.

Advent is a time to remember Jesus faithfully pursuing us as His children. We are a part of God’s family through the grace of adoption, and were chosen by Him. While we are not yet with Jesus in Heaven, we can still hear the voice of our Father calling our name, and His voice gives us great hope. Amidst the chaos of the Christmas season take a minute to listen for His voice calling your name. When you hear it, nothing else will seem to matter because you will know that you are chosen, you are loved, you are secure, and that you are in the presence of your Father.

Christy Harmon, Administrative Assistant
